Extra Special cocktail-flavoured spirits store list
Here's a list of the Asda stores stocking our new Extra Special cocktail-flavoured spirits. Please call ahead to check availability if you're planning a journey specially to get them.
Martini | Daiqiri | Mojito |
Abbey Park | Aberdeen Beach | Abbey Park |
Aberdare | Accrington | Aberdare |
Aberdeen Beach | Aintree | Aberdeen Beach |
Accrington | Altrincham | Accrington |
Adel | Antrim | Adel |
Aintree | Ardrossan | Aintree |
Alloa | Arrowe Park | Alloa |
Alsager | Ashington | Altrincham |
Altrincham | Ashton | Andover |
Andover | Ayr | Antrim |
Antrim | Barnes Hill | Ardrossan |
Arbroath | Barnsley | Arnold |
Ardrossan | Barrhead | Arrowe Park |
Armadale Station | Barrow | Ashford |
Arnold | Basildon Eastgate | Ashington |
Arrowe Park | Basingstoke | Ashton |
Ashford | Bedminster | Ayr |
Ashington | Belfast Shore Road | Bangor Farrar Road |
Ashton | Benton | Barking |
Ayr | Birchwood | Barnes Hill |
Ballyclare | Birkenhead | Barnsley |
Bangor | Bishop Auckland | Barnstaple |
Bangor Farrar Road | Bishopbriggs | Barons Quay, Northwich |
Barking | Blackpool | Barrhead |
Barnes Hill | Blantyre | Barrow |
Barnsley | Blyth | Barry |
Barnstaple | Boldon | Basildon Eastgate |
Barons Quay, Northwich | Bolton | Basildon Pipps Hill |
Barrhead | Bootle | Basingstoke |
Barrow | Boston | Bearsden |
Barry | Bournemouth | Beckton |
Basildon Eastgate | Breck Road | Bedminster |
Basildon Pipps Hill | Bridge of Dee | Belfast Shore Road |
Basingstoke | Brighton Hollingbury | Belfast Westwood |
Bearsden | Brighton Marina | Belvedere |
Beckton | Bromborough | Benton |
Bedminster | Burgh Heath | Bexleyheath |
Beeston | Burnley | Bideford |
Belfast Shore Road | Bury Marketside | Biggleswade |
Belfast Westwood | Caerphilly | Birchwood |
Belvedere | Carcroft | Birkenhead |
Benton | Cardiff Bay | Bishop Auckland |
Beverley | Cardiff Coryton | Bishopbriggs |
Bexleyheath | Carlisle | Blackburn |
Bideford | Castlepoint | Blackpool |
Biggleswade | Chadderton | Blackwood |
Birchwood | Chatham | Blantyre |
Birkenhead | Chelmsley Wood | Bloxwich |
Bishop Auckland | Cheltenham | Blyth |
Bishopbriggs | Chesser | Boldon |
Blackburn | Chester Greyhound Park | Bolton |
Blackpool | Chorley | Bootle |
Blackwood | Clacton-on-Sea | Boston |
Blantyre | Clapham Junction | Bournemouth |
Bloxwich | Clydebank | Bradford |
Blyth | Coatbridge | Bradford Cemetery Road |
Bodmin | Coleraine | Breck Road |
Boldon | Colindale | Bridge of Dee |
Bolton | Corby | Bridgend |
Bootle | Coventry | Brierley Hill |
Boston | Crewe | Brighton Hollingbury |
Bournemouth | Cumbernauld | Brighton Marina |
Bradford | Cwmbran | Broadstairs |
Bradford Cemetery Road | Dagenham | Bromborough |
Breck Road | Darlaston | Brynmawr |
Bridge of Dee | Darlington | Burgh Heath |
Bridgend | Derby | Burnden Park |
Bridgwater | Doncaster | Burnley |
Brierley Hill | Donnington Wood | Burton on Trent |
Brighton Hollingbury | Dudley | Bury Marketside |
Brighton Marina | Dumbarton | Bury St Edmunds |
Bristol Whitchurch | Dundee Kirkton | Byker |
Broadstairs | Dundee Milton | Caerphilly |
Bromborough | Dundee West | Caldicot |
Bromsgrove | Dundonald | Cambridge |
Brynmawr | Dunfermline | Canford Heath |
Burgh Heath | Dyce | Cannock |
Burnden Park | Eastbourne | Canterbury |
Burnley | Eastlands | Cape Hill |
Burton on Trent | Eastleigh | Carcroft |
Bury Marketside | Edinburgh | Cardiff Bay |
Bury St Edmunds | Elgin | Cardiff Coryton |
Byker | Ellesmere Port | Carlisle |
Caerphilly | Enniskillen | Carlisle - St Nicholas Gate |
Caldicot | Falkirk | Castlepoint |
Cambridge | Falmouth | Chadderton |
Canford Heath | Fareham | Chadwell Heath |
Cannock | Farnborough | Chapeltown |
Canterbury | Ferring | Charlton |
Cape Hill | Fulwood | Chatham |
Carcroft | Gateshead | Chelmsford |
Cardiff Bay | Gillingham Pier | Chelmsley Wood |
Cardiff Coryton | Glasgow Parkhead Forge | Cheltenham |
Carlisle | Gloucester | Chesser |
Carlisle - St Nicholas Gate | Govan | Chester Greyhound Park |
Carterton | Grantham | Chorley |
Castlepoint | Great Bridge | Clacton-on-Sea |
Chadderton | Great Yarmouth | Clapham Junction |
Chadwell Heath | Grimsby | Clayton Green |
Chapeltown | Halifax | Clydebank |
Charlton | Hamilton | Coatbridge |
Chatham | Harrogate | Colchester |
Chelmsford | Hartlepool | Coleraine |
Chelmsley Wood | Hatfield | Colindale |
Cheltenham | Havant | Colne |
Chesser | Horwich | Corby |
Chester Greyhound Park | Hounslow | Coventry |
Chorley | Hulme | Cramlington |
Clacton-on-Sea | Hunts Cross | Crawley |
Clapham Junction | Huyton | Crewe |
Clayton Green | Hyde | Cumbernauld |
Clydebank | Hyson Green | Cwmbran |
Coatbridge | Inverness | Dagenham |
Colchester | Ipswich | Dalgety Bay |
Coleraine | Killingbeck | Darlaston |
Colindale | Kilmarnock | Darlington |
Colne | Kingswood | Dartford Click & Collect |
Cookstown | Kirkcaldy | Derby |
Corby | Lancaster | Dewsbury |
Coventry | Langley Mill | Doncaster |
Cramlington | Leamington Spa | Donnington Wood |
Crawley | Leckwith Road | Downpatrick |
Crewe | Leicester | Dudley |
Cumbernauld | Leicester Abbey Lane | Dumbarton |
Cwmbran | Leigh | Dundee Kirkton |
Dagenham | Lincoln North Hykeham | Dundee Milton |
Dalgety Bay | Linwood | Dundee West |
Darlaston | Livingston | Dundonald |
Darlington | Llandudno | Dunfermline |
Derby | Llanelli Murray Street | Dunstable |
Dewsbury | Longwell Green | Dyce |
Doncaster | Lower Earley | East Retford |
Donnington Wood | Luton | Eastbourne |
Downpatrick | Mansfield | Eastlands |
Dudley | Middleton | Eastleigh |
Dumbarton | Milton Keynes | Edinburgh |
Dunbar | Minworth | Edmonton Green |
Dundee Kirkton | Morley | Elgin |
Dundee Milton | Motherwell | Ellesmere Port |
Dundee West | Newton Mearns | Enniskillen |
Dundonald | Norwich | Falkirk |
Dunfermline | Nottingham West Bridgford | Falmouth |
Dunstable | Park Royal | Fareham |
Dyce | Patchway | Farnborough |
East Retford | Pentwyn | Farnworth |
Eastbourne | Perth | Ferring |
Eastlands | Peterlee | Filton |
Eastleigh | Pilsworth | Fleetwood |
Edinburgh | Plymouth | Folkestone |
Edmonton Green | Portlethen | Forfar |
Elgin | Portsmouth | Fraserburgh |
Ellesmere Port | Pudsey | Frome |
Enniskillen | Queensferry | Fulwood |
Falkirk | Queslett | Galashiels |
Falmouth | Rawtenstall | Gateshead |
Far Cotton | Rhyl | Gillingham Pier |
Fareham | Robroyston | Glasgow Parkhead Forge |
Farnborough | Roehampton | Glasshoughton |
Farnworth | Runcorn | Glenrothes |
Felling | Rushden | Gloucester |
Feltham | Sefton Park | Golborne |
Fenton | Sheffield | Gorseinon |
Ferring | Sheffield Chaucer Road | Gosforth |
Filton | Sheffield Drakehouse | Gosport |
Fleetwood | Slough | Govan |
Folkestone | Southgate Circus | Grangemouth |
Forfar | St Helens | Grantham |
Fraserburgh | St Leonards | Gravesend |
Frome | Stanley | Great Bridge |
Fulwood | Stevenage | Great Yarmouth |
Galashiels | Strabane | Greenhithe |
Gateshead | Straiton | Grimsby |
Gillingham Pier | Sunderland | Halesowen |
Girvan | Sutton in Ashfield | Halifax |
Glasgow Parkhead Forge | Swanley | Hamilton |
Glasshoughton | Swansea | Harlow |
Glenrothes | Swindon Haydon | Harpurhey |
Gloucester | Swinton | Harrogate |
Golborne | Tamworth | Hartlepool |
Gorseinon | Thornaby | Harwich |
Gosforth | Thurmaston | Hatfield |
Gosport | Toryglen | Havant |
Govan | Trafford Park | Hayes |
Grangemouth | Wakefield | Hazel Grove |
Grantham | Wallington | Hemel Hempstead |
Gravesend | Walton | Hereford |
Great Bridge | Washington | Hessle |
Great Yarmouth | Watford | High Wycombe |
Greenhithe | West Swindon | Hinckley |
Grimsby | Westbrook | Horwich |
Hailsham | Weymouth | Hounslow |
Halesowen | Wigan | Huddersfield |
Halifax | Wisbech | Hull |
Hamilton | Wolstanton | Hulme |
Harlow | Wolverhampton | Hunts Cross |
Harpurhey | Workington | Huyton |
Harrogate | Worksop Sandy Lane | Hyde |
Hartlepool | Wrexham | Hyson Green |
Harwich | York | Inverness |
Hatfield | Ipswich | |
Havant | Irvine | |
Hayes | Isle of Dogs | |
Hayle Harbour | Kendal | |
Hazel Grove | Kettering | |
Hemel Hempstead | Killingbeck | |
Hereford | Kilmarnock | |
Hessle | Kingshill | |
High Wycombe | Kingston on Thames | |
Highbridge | Kingswood | |
Hinckley | Kirkcaldy | |
Horwich | Lancaster | |
Hounslow | Langley Mill | |
Huddersfield | Leamington Spa | |
Hull | Leckwith Road | |
Hulme | Leicester | |
Huntly | Leicester Abbey Lane | |
Hunts Cross | Leigh | |
Huyton | Leith | |
Hyde | Leyton Mills | |
Hyson Green | Lincoln North Hykeham | |
Inverness | Linwood | |
Ipswich | Liscard | |
Irvine | Livingston | |
Isle of Dogs | Llandudno | |
Keighley | Llanelli Murray Street | |
Kendal | Llangefni | |
Kettering | Long Eaton | |
Killingbeck | Longsight | |
Kilmarnock | Longwell Green | |
Kingshill | Lower Earley | |
Kingston on Thames | Lowestoft | |
Kingswood | Luton | |
Kirkcaldy | Mansfield | |
Lancaster | Maryhill | |
Lancing | Merthyr Tydfil | |
Langley Mill | Middlesbrough | |
Larkhall | Middleton | |
Larne | Middleton Park | |
Leamington Spa | Milton Keynes | |
Leckwith Road | Minworth | |
Leicester | Morley | |
Leicester Abbey Lane | Motherwell | |
Leigh | Mount Pleasant | |
Leith | Newark | |
Leyton Mills | Newmains | |
Lincoln North Hykeham | Newport | |
Linwood | Newport Pillgwenlly | |
Liscard | Newton Mearns | |
Livingston | Norwich | |
Llandudno | Norwich Hall Road | |
Llanelli Murray Street | Nottingham West Bridgford | |
Llangefni | Nuneaton | |
Long Eaton | Oadby | |
Longsight | Old Kent Road | |
Longwell Green | Oldbury | |
Lower Earley | Omagh | |
Lowestoft | Park Royal | |
Luton | Patchway | |
Mansfield | Pentwyn | |
Marple | Perry Barr | |
Maryhill | Pershore | |
Melksham | Perth | |
Merthyr Tydfil | Peterborough | |
Middlesbrough | Peterlee | |
Middleton | Pilsworth | |
Middleton Park | Plymouth | |
Milton Keynes | Poole | |
Minworth | Portadown | |
Morley | Portlethen | |
Motherwell | Portsmouth | |
Mount Pleasant | Pudsey | |
Newark | Quedgeley | |
Newmains | Queensferry | |
Newport | Queslett | |
Newport Isle of Wight | Radcliffe | |
Newport Pillgwenlly | Rawtenstall | |
Newton Abbot | Rayleigh | |
Newton Mearns | Reddish | |
Newtownards | Redditch | |
Norwich | Rhyl | |
Norwich Hall Road | Robroyston | |
Nottingham West Bridgford | Rochdale | |
Nuneaton | Roehampton | |
Oadby | Romford | |
Old Kent Road | Rotherham | |
Oldbury | Rugby | |
Omagh | Runcorn | |
Park Royal | Rushden | |
Patchway | Scunthorpe | |
Pentwyn | Seaham | |
Perry Barr | Sefton Park | |
Pershore | Shaw | |
Perth | Sheffield | |
Peterborough | Sheffield Chaucer Road | |
Peterhead | Sheffield Drakehouse | |
Peterlee | Shipley | |
Pilsworth | Shirley | |
Plymouth | Shoeburyness | |
Pontefract | Shrewsbury | |
Poole | Sinfin | |
Portadown | Sittingbourne | |
Portlethen | Skelmersdale | |
Portsmouth | Skelton | |
Pudsey | Slough | |
Pwllheli | Small Heath | |
Pyle | South Ruislip | |
Quedgeley | South Shields | |
Queensferry | South Woodham Ferrers | |
Queslett | South Wootton | |
Radcliffe | Southampton | |
Rawtenstall | Southgate Circus | |
Rayleigh | Southport | |
Reddish | Spennymoor | |
Redditch | St Helens | |
Rhyl | St Leonards | |
Robroyston | St Leonards on Sea | |
Rochdale | St. Matthews | |
Roehampton | Stafford | |
Romford | Stanley | |
Rotherham | Stevenage | |
Rugby | Stockport | |
Runcorn | Stockton | |
Rushden | Stoke Park | |
Scunthorpe | Stowmarket | |
Seaham | Strabane | |
Sedgley | Straiton | |
Sefton Park | Sunderland | |
Shaw | Sutton | |
Sheffield | Sutton in Ashfield | |
Sheffield Chaucer Road | Swanley | |
Sheffield Drakehouse | Swansea | |
Shipley | Swindon Haydon | |
Shirley | Swinton | |
Shoeburyness | Tamworth | |
Shrewsbury | Telford | |
Sinfin | Thornaby | |
Sittingbourne | Thurmaston | |
Skelmersdale | Tilbury | |
Skelton | Tilehurst | |
Slough | Tipton | |
Small Heath | Tonypandy | |
South Ruislip | Toryglen | |
South Shields | Totton | |
South Woodham Ferrers | Trafford Park | |
South Wootton | Trowbridge | |
Southampton | Tunbridge Wells | |
Southgate Circus | Tunstall | |
Southport | Uttoxeter | |
Spennymoor | Wakefield | |
St Austell | Wallington | |
St Helens | Walton | |
St Leonards | Ware | |
St Leonards on Sea | Warrington | |
St. Matthews | Washington | |
Stafford | Waterlooville | |
Stanley | Watford | |
Stenhousemuir | Wembley | |
Stevenage | West Swindon | |
Stockport | Westbrook | |
Stockton | Weymouth | |
Stoke Park | Wheatley | |
Stowmarket | Widnes | |
Strabane | Wigan | |
Straiton | Winsford | |
Sunderland | Wisbech | |
Sutton | Woking Sheerwater | |
Sutton in Ashfield | Wolstanton | |
Swanley | Wolverhampton | |
Swansea | Worcester | |
Swindon Haydon | Workington | |
Swinton | Worksop Sandy Lane | |
Tain | Wrexham | |
Tamworth | Wythenshawe | |
Taunton | York | |
Telford | Ystalyfera | |
Thornaby | ||
Thurmaston | ||
Tilbury | ||
Tilehurst | ||
Tipton | ||
Tonypandy | ||
Torquay | ||
Toryglen | ||
Totton | ||
Trafford Park | ||
Tranent | ||
Trowbridge | ||
Tunbridge Wells | ||
Tunstall | ||
Tweedmouth | ||
Uttoxeter | ||
Wakefield | ||
Wallington | ||
Walton | ||
Ware | ||
Warrington | ||
Washington | ||
Waterlooville | ||
Watford | ||
Wellington | ||
Wembley | ||
West Swindon | ||
Westbrook | ||
Weston-super-Mare | ||
Weymouth | ||
Wheatley | ||
Widnes | ||
Wigan | ||
Winsford | ||
Wisbech | ||
Woking Sheerwater | ||
Wolstanton | ||
Wolverhampton | ||
Worcester | ||
Workington | ||
Worksop Sandy Lane | ||
Wortley Oldfield Lane | ||
Wrexham | ||
Wythenshawe | ||
Yeovil | ||
York | ||
Ystalyfera |