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'It was nice to put a smile on her face' – Will replaces girl's lost pocket money

April 6, 2021 10:25am
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Our colleague Will Davies has been praised for his kindness after giving a 10-year-old girl £5 to make up for the pocket money she lost during a shopping trip with her mum and nan in our Rugby store.

Will Davies from Asda Rugby

Home shopping section leader Chelsea Barnes, who nominated Will for an Asda customer service award, says everyone at the store is proud of his act of kindness.

She said: "The girl's grandmother passed on her compliments to the customer service team as she was so astonished at how generous and kind Will had been!

"Thank you so much Will for your fantastic service and going above and beyond to ensure our customers always leave with a smile."

The young girl dropped her pocket money while shopping at the store and asked Will if he would help her look for it.

Twenty-three-year-old Will, who's worked at the store for six months, said: "I went with her looking round the aisles to try to find the five pound note, but we had no luck.

"The girl was devastated. She'd gone to our store to spend her pocket money and buy sweets, but she couldn't as she'd lost it

"I decided to go and get £5 from the cashpoint and went to find the girl, her mum and nan and give it to her. It was nice to put a smile on her face – it made her day. It's nice to go out of your way to do something for someone else. It was a good feeling."

Well done Will!

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