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Asda Supplier Conference Outlines how we are Reducing our Environmental Impact

Asda VP of Own Brand, Sam Dickson, looks at how along with suppliers we are continuing to reduce our environmental impact and how we make a real difference in the future

February 14, 2022 08:00am
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Working in partnerships is so important if we want to hit our environmental goals so it was brilliant that over 2,000 of our suppliers attended our sustainability supplier conference yesterday.

Suppliers joined us on Zoom from all over the world and it really highlights their commitment to work with us to help reduce our impact on the planet.

Ten years ago we started the Asda sustain and save exchange with the ambition of helping our suppliers to work together to reduce their environmental impact. At our first event less than 100 people attended and we were focusing on issues like reducing energy on our sites and LED lighting.

What started as a small-scale pilot in our fresh business which quickly expanded to include suppliers from all areas of our business and today we have over 2000 suppliers from across the globe joining us. Each year our sustainability events continue to grow which is a testament to the importance both we and our suppliers place on this issue.

Not only has our reach expanded, but we saw the sustainability agenda develop from a focus on energy efficiency to wider issues such as how we could reduce waste, improve product and packaging and improve the efficiency of our supply chains for our customers. With over 700 questions, 150 webinars and training sessions and nearly 2000 case studies run through the sustain and save exchange, this is truly a transformative resource which over the last 10 years has helped suppliers save and invest nearly £45m in their businesses to improve sustainability.

Nick Donoghue, who is part of Manufacture 2030, is a longstanding member of the team who has been a part of the SSE since the very beginning: “It’s been an exciting journey to support the growth of the Asda SSE over the last 10 years and the positive impacts it has delivered. As climate issues rise up the corporate agenda, the Asda SSE continues to foster real partnerships with suppliers, to tackle complex environmental issues over the long term. We look forward to celebrating this impressive milestone and continuing our work together.”

To celebrate this landmark of collaboration we have launched a new competition which will see one supplier given £10,000 to fund a nature project.

Open to all suppliers, we have asked them to submit projects that will decrease their impact on nature or that will have a regenerative impact and also which works towards helping Asda’s Better Planet ‘Nature’ pillar priorities – ensuring our top 20 commodities are sustainably sourced and developing a natural resource stewardship program.

The pandemic has really heightened the importance of nature and helping the environment. Our customers are really passionate about making a difference, with 80% of UK customers wanting to shop more environmentally responsibly – however only 15% do. That gives a great opportunity for us and our suppliers to really make our mark and we have plans for this year that we hope will do just that.

These are all vital steps to help us make a difference and speaking to our suppliers, we know it is as much of a priority to them as it is to us so I am really excited by what we can do to be greener and help customers do the same.

For more information about the nature competition including how to enter, please go to Asdasse.com

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