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Amelia chooses Asda uniform for school superhero day to be like her mum

Home shopping colleague Kim Weaver has worked at our Waterlooville store since before her daughter Amelia was born – so when Amelia's school held a superhero day the only person she wanted to dress as was an Asda colleague like her mum!

March 11, 2022 11:07am
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Amelia dresses as Asda colleague like mum Kim Weaver from Asda Waterlooville

Kim told the store's community champion Jacqui Benham what Amelia wanted to do, and Jacqui managed to get her a small Asda top, along with a lanyard, name badge and cap.

Amelia dresses as Asda colleague like mum Kim Weaver from Asda Waterlooville

Amelia, who'll be five later this month, had a great day dressing up at St Peter's Catholic Primary School in Waterlooville, but her fun didn't end there. The school had a training day the following day, so she put on her Asda uniform and came into the store with her brother Max, who's 10, to try her hand on the checkouts, as well as exploring our home shopping vans, picking groceries and seeing how other parts of the store work.

Amelia dresses as Asda colleague like mum Kim Weaver from Asda Waterlooville

Kim has worked at the store for 10 years since Max – her and her partner Lewis's eldest child – was six months old.

Amelia dresses as Asda colleague like mum Kim Weaver from Asda Waterlooville

She said: "Amelia knows I've worked at Asda since before she was born and has picked up on that. I said, 'Do you want to go as a doctor or nurse, or wear one of your Disney princess dresses?' and she said, 'No, I want to go as my mum.' I was really touched.

"She had a fantastic day at school and then she came into the store the following day. She did a bit of home shopping picking with me, scanned a few items; we went out and looked at the home shopping pods; she sat in one of the vans, and then she had a go on the checkout, totalling everything up and putting in the right amount. She watched pizzas being made and went to the bakery to see pancakes being made – she absolutely loved it and was smiling all the time."

Amelia dresses as Asda colleague like mum Kim Weaver from Asda Waterlooville

Kim says the day at Asda made a lasting impression on Amelia.

She said: "When we come in to do our own shopping Amelia will say, 'I did this the other day' and she's told all her friends about what a great time she had. She'll never forget it.

"It's brilliant that the store was able to welcome her like this, as it's given her an insight into what I do and how the store works.

"Amelia loves playing shops at home and has her own toy Asda till and apron, so now she's got an Asda top she really looks the part."

Amelia dresses as Asda colleague like mum Kim Weaver from Asda Waterlooville

Community champion Jacqui, pictured above with Amelia, says she was delighted to be able to help Amelia have a day to remember.

Amelia dresses as Asda colleague like mum Kim Weaver from Asda Waterlooville

"She really looked the part in her Asda uniform," said Jacqui. "And I was really glad I could arrange with Kim for her to come in to see the workings of her superhero mum’s shop.

"She had great fun trying her hand at being a home shopping picker, as well as ‘working’ on other departments around the store and seeing what goes on behind the scenes. She couldn't wait to tell her teachers and friends all about the morning she spent as a real life superhero!"

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