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Val's big smile and friendly outlook make her a big hit with everyone at Asda Bedminster

Everyone at our Bedminster store loves 81-year-old Val Jakeways whose infectious smile and friendly manner have made her a firm favourite with customers and colleagues.

April 8, 2022 02:00pm
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Val Jakeways from Asda Bedminster

Colleagues call the great-grandmother the store "Nan" for the way she looks out for everyone and knits for their babies – while operations manager Amanda Rogers says her energy and outlook make her an essential part of the team.

Amanda said: "Val runs rings around all our younger colleagues! She is phenomenal. I cannot express in words what a great asset Val is to the department and the store.

"She is so dedicated and comes in at a drop of a hat to support the team. She always has a great laugh and smile and brings her energy to the team on a daily basis."

Val's passion and enthusiasm has earned her an Asda service superstar award, and her colleagues at the store say it is richly deserved.

Vale Jakeways from Asda Bedminster

Community champion Faizan Butt said: "Val is the calmest and relaxed colleague with the most infectious smile and giggle. All colleagues want to work with Val as she is passionate and dedicated to her job."

And front end colleague Lin Metcalfe added: "Val is a super-fantastic, loving, kind lady. She's always willing to do things for anybody and is fantastic for her age.

Front end section leader Claire Marsh, said: "Val is my little pocket rocket. She runs around like a woman half her age. Nobody has a baby or grandchild without something knitted by Val. She is everybody's Nan."

Val, who's been married to 81-year-old Alexander for 60 years, has four children, 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. They all live in the Bristol area.

Val Jakeways from Asda Bedminster

Before joining Asda more than 20 years ago, Val and Alexander ran the Beaufort Motor Company garage in Bristol for 45 years. Their son, Mark, now runs the business.

Val said: "After retiring I just popped into the store one day to do some shopping and thought 'this looks a lovely place to work' so I asked if there was any part-time jobs!

She started out as a greeter and now works as a service runner helping the checkouts team, self scan and also helps out on the customer service desk.

Val, who's the oldest colleague at the store, said: "I love my job and I love my colleagues. We have a lovely team here. A lot of my colleagues are a lot of younger than me, but when anything is happening I'm always invited.

"I enjoy my job just as much as I did 20 years ago and I've got no plans to retire! It keeps me young working here. I like getting up early in the morning and coming in. I usually finish about 2pm so I've got the rest of the day."

Val, who lives in Portishead, enjoys knitting and loves going for meals. She and her husband love boats too and, for a while, lived on a narrow boat.

She said: "I enjoy my life, I must admit. I've been very lucky."

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