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Wilma celebrates a decade of making a difference to her community

When we launched our community programme ten years ago Wilma McHardy took the role of our Govan store's community champion on a trial basis after a manager suggested she was the ideal candidate – and a decade later she's still in the role and says she loves helping the local area.

June 6, 2022 08:00am
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Asda Govan community champion Wilma McHardy

Wilma said: “I love my role and never imagined ten years ago how rewarding and successful it would be. The local community need support and we have all learned from and helped each other over the years.”

She has worked with many local groups, schools, charities and good cause over the years, helping with fundraising, donations, grant applications and, most importantly, with her time.

Wilma has forged strong bonds within the community, having worked with some groups since day one.

One such group is the Preshal Trust, a charity supporting a range of clients of all ages, who have addiction problems, mental health issues, disabilities, ex-offenders, prisoners and their families, infants, children, young people, parents and carers and anyone affected by social exclusion and isolation.

Wilma stated working with the charity when she took on her community champion role, and the relationship has strengthened year on year. The Preshal Trust embraced Wilma and treated her as one of the team from the start; her role was initially very hands on, and it would not have been uncommon for her to serve up meals for the Trust’s users.

One of Wilma’s proudest moments was securing an Asda Foundation grant of £18,500 for the Trust about seven years ago. This enabled the charity to purchase equipment to kit out their room and make it a multi-purpose site for all users. They bought dual-purpose furniture, laptops and sewing machines among other things, providing something for each of their diverse demographics of users.

Wilma said: “I am so glad that my manager put forward me for the position of community champion. I love my job and think that we have an important role to fill in the community. I get such great feedback from my groups about how Asda have helped and how much they appreciate my support.

“After the last couple of years, it is now so important to be getting back out and spreading the word to my community about how Asda can help.”

“We do a great job at Asda and I hope that we continue to pave the way in helping the communities around us. I would also like to thank the Asda Foundation for making it all possible.”

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