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Colleagues at our Arrowe Park store get behind William's birthday wish

August 17, 2022 11:45am
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Colleagues and customers at our Arrowe Park store in Birkenhead are supporting William Magee in his wish to get as many birthday cards as possible for when he turns 13 on Friday.

Asda Arrowe Park wish William Magee happy 13th birthday

William, who was diagnosed with Duchenne, a terminal muscle wasting condition, just before his second birthday, has developed a close bond with the store's community champion Ian Grant over the years after joining his mum Kelly on regular shopping trips.

Ian said: "Kelly's been a regular customer here for years and about five years ago the Duchenne charity which Kelly supports won funding through our green token giving scheme.

"I've always kept in close contact with them and has always sent William a card on his birthday, as it's the same day as my own son.

"With William wanting lots of cards for his birthday we, at Arrowe Park, are trying to do our bit to help him possibly get into the Guinness Book of Records. I've even put a box at our customer service desk for customers to drop in cards too."

Asda Arrowe Park wishes William Magee happy 13th birthday

Kelly, who visits the store at least once a week, said: "William is going to be 13 on Friday and when I asked him what he wanted he said "birthday cards" so that's what we aim to deliver. I want to make his birthday the most memorable ever. He did say he wanted 30,000 – so there's no pressure on me!"

"I want to thank Ian and the colleagues at Asda Arrowe Park for all their support. It's such a friendly store and William loved going there when he was able to."

William lost the ability to walk at the age of nine and now the rest of his muscles are failing him.

Kelly said: "He no longer has the strength to lift a cup and even using a fork is like lifting weights for him. He is completely reliant on help for everything he does.

"Unfortunately the heart is a muscle and the majority of Duchenne sufferers lose their life due to heart failure or respiratory complications. The brain is not a muscle and sadly William knows his prognosis."

Anyone wanting to send William a card can either send it to the Shankly Hotel, Millennium House, 60 Victoria St, Liverpool L1 6JD or leave William a greeting though his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EndDuchenne

Kelly added: "We are going to be celebrating William's birthday all week so we will be picking birthday cards up before and after his birthday at the Shankly."

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