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Service superstar Leah uses sign language to help customer

January 11, 2023 00:45pm
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When 18-year-old Leah Gordon noticed an older customer was using sign language to try to communicate with colleagues in our Cumnock store she immediately stepped in – using the British Sign Language she learned at primary school to help her.

Leah Gordon from Asda Cumnock

Leah, who started at the pizza counter last April, took the customer around the store and helped her pick up everything she needed.

The customer is usually accompanied by a carer, so was extremely grateful for Leah's help.

Leah said: “I noticed the lady was having problems communicating and I was really happy to be able to help her.

"It is such a shame when people are unable to communicate and I am no expert, but the little sign language I had meant a lot to her.

"I’m really pleased that I was able to make a difference to the customer’s experience in store.”

Leah later provided further help to the customer when she spotted her outside in icy conditions, walking her back to her house to make sure she got home safely.

Assistant store manager David Kane has nominated Leah for an Asda Service Superstar award for her kindness.

He said:“We are very proud of Leah. She is a great colleague and is constantly going above and beyond to help our customers and colleagues.

“I wasn't surprised when she stepped in to help, but I had no idea she was able to sign – that was a very welcome surprise!

"We were glad she was there and was able to assist the customer. She is a star and a real asset to the store. Thank you Leah!”

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