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Colleagues tie the knot after falling in love at our St Leonards on Sea store

July 21, 2023 09:25am
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Congratulations to Vince and Allie Cardy from our St Leonards on Sea store who've got married after falling in love when home shopping driver Vince stopped at Allie's bakery counter for his lunch every day!


The couple, who are now both part of the store's home shopping team, met just before the start of the pandemic, so were only able to start dating once all the restrictions ended.

Allie said: "I knew straight away that it was real and that he was someone very special. He's such a nice person with an amazing personality. It shines through in his work – he's got a very good manner with customers, and he always wants to make sure that everything's good with them."

The couple, who've both worked at the store for four years, met after getting chatting when Vince stopped at the store's bakery counter.

Allie said: "He worked as a driver but I didn't know him at the time. He used to come to the bakery and would be buying either his lunch or sorting out something for his delivery rounds, and that's how it started. He's just such a kind person with a lovely personality that really shines through."


Vince, who's 60, and Allie, who's 57, were married at Eastbourne Register Office on June 15, followed by a reception for close family and friends at Beauport Hotel in Hastings and a honeymoon in Pembrokeshire with their Patterdale terrier puppy Sooty.

Allie said: "We generally kept our news quiet and low-key, as we didn't want a big fuss. We told a few work colleagues and it's only now that we're telling more people. Some of Vince's regular customers who he has a good rapport with know we've got married and everyone we've told is delighted for us."

Vince said: "It was a bit of a surprise for some of our colleagues, as we didn't tell many people beforehand, but everyone we've told has been really lovely and our colleagues are pleased for us. I've mentioned it to a few of my regular customers too and they've all been wishing us luck, saying congratulations and asking how everything went, which is really nice."

The store's community champion Wendy Border says all their colleagues are delighted for Vince and Allie, and wish them every happiness together.

She said: "They are such lovely people and so happy together. Many congratulations to them both from all their friends and colleagues in the store."

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