Liz from our Romford store loves helping at local primary school
Our Romford store's fab community champion Liz Brown works closely with lots of local schools, groups and good causes – like Mead Primary School, where she's been volunteering for the last three years.
Liz has become a familiar friendly face at the school, helping pupils with their studies, presenting healthy eating workshops and joining them on school trips.
Kim Rolph, year two leader at the school, said: "Liz has been a great help in Key Stage 1 for the last three years. She's been like an additional teaching assistant, completing tasks to support me and our key stage.
"She works with children helping them to complete their activities. Also, she listens to the children read, which has been so helpful to us.
"During our food technology and science lessons she facilitated food tasting workshops, as well as being an extra adult on school trips. We really appreciate the help that she and Asda have provided for us."
Liz said: "I love my visits to Mead Primary. It's a lovely school, and they're great kids. The teachers are really grateful for me coming in, and I tell them it's my pleasure as that's what my role is for.
"When I walk through the school now, all the kids say 'Hi Liz' to me – it's lovely!"