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Looking after our Community 

October 17, 2020 02:12am
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With these unprecedented and Challenging Days my role as a Community Colleague has been somewhat strange, supporting the NHS local schools open during this Pandemic helping local Charities and Good Causes to help our Communities that have struggled and had to self isolate to keep themselves safe, supporting the Vulnerable with donations of Food Parcels, Health Care Packs and Craft Activities for Health and Wellbeing. Now things have changed again so now I'm supporting the Cramlington Store as a Safety Marshall to help keep our Customers and Colleagues safe. Remember the simple Government Guidelines 

Hands.....sanitize as you come in store 

Face.....wear a Face Covering 

Space ......keep at least 2 meters from customers and colleagues when in store 

I'm trying to keep my Community safe please Help by following these steps. Thank You.

Looking after our Community  | Asda Cramlington
Looking after our Community  | Asda Cramlington
Looking after our Community  | Asda Cramlington
Looking after our Community  | Asda Cramlington
Looking after our Community  | Asda Cramlington
Looking after our Community  | Asda Cramlington

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