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Sense Scotland

February 1, 2022 05:05pm
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We were thrilled to welcome back Murray and Ewan Farquharson to entertain our customer on Rabbie Burns Day. The guys are supported by the incredible charity called Sense Scotland. They were both born with hearing and site impairments. Which makes it even more incredible how well they play the accordion. Thanks must go to my generous customers, raising £217 in just a couple of hours. Murray and Ewan are welcomed into the store when we celebrate St.Andrew’s Day, Hogmanay and Burns night. The Scottish songs they play really make our customers happy. Takes me back to learning Scottish Dance when I was wee! Over the 3 days, where they are only in for a few hours,  they have managed to raise Nearly £900 for Sense Scotland. Well done to the boys and the carers that support them in their fundraising efforts. 

Sense Scotland | Asda Dundee Kirkton
Sense Scotland | Asda Dundee Kirkton
Sense Scotland | Asda Dundee Kirkton
Sense Scotland | Asda Dundee Kirkton

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