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Surprise donation to local schools

February 18, 2021 08:00pm
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It was great to give surprise donations of Disney kitchens and dolls to Westmoreland Primary, Cheadle Primary, Adswood Primary and Bridgehall Primary so the children have something new when they return in March. 

Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish
Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish
Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish
Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish
Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish
Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish
Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish
Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish
Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish
Surprise donation to local schools | Asda Reddish

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