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'Ray of sunshine' Alnashir loves putting smiles on people's faces

April 13, 2018 02:07pm
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Our wonderful colleague Alnashir Pabani loves putting a smile on customers' faces at the checkouts of our Tonypandy store – and this week his legendary service has been making headlines.

A story celebrating his work by Wales Online has been shared thousands of times, with lots of customers taking the time to say how much he brightens their day.

Store manager Anthony Tranter said: "Nash is a local hero. He's fabulous, a ray of sunshine. He's always got a big smile on his face and is very vibrant – he makes everybody laugh. Lots of regular customers queue up just to come through his till."

Alnashir Pabani from Asda Tonypandy
Alnashir with a customer (copyright @WalesOnline)

Alnashir, who's 60 and a grandad, is hugely popular with customers and colleagues and is well known for laughing and joking with shoppers who come through his till. He's also passionate about fundraising for our charitable causes.

He said: "On the checkouts, you get to know people and people get to know you. Of course they are customers, but I treat them as my friends. We have a good laugh and a bit of banter – it's nice to talk and be friendly with people.

"I love my job, it's absolutely fabulous. I never get out of bed and think I don't want to go to work. I love the colleagues too; we all get on really well and support each other through the good times and the bad times.

"I'm hoping to keep working here for a long time yet. I've always had a job, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I hadn't."

Alnashir loves wearing hats in store on special occasions. At Easter he wore a hat with real chocolate eggs and toy chicks that make a chirping noise.

Alnashir Pabani from Asda Tonypandy
Alnashir in his Easter bonnet

He said: "When children came through my till I would offer them an egg, and the look on their faces when they saw the egg and heard the chirping was amazing.

"Some of the children who come to the store now insist on telling their parents they want to go through my checkout so they can say hello, which is lovely."

Lots of customers have been saying how much they love Alnashir's friendly service.

Sheryl Llewellyn left feedback at the store saying: "His customer service is wonderful, and he's wonderful with all the kids too."

There were hundreds of comments about Alnashir in response to Wales Online's Facebook post, including:

"Lovely gentleman, so glad his kindness has been recognised. I always make a be line for him, great :))"

"He is absolutely wonderful his bright happy personality brightens anyone's day. Plus loved his Easter Bonnet was a work of art making everyone smile 😁 x"

"No matter how down u are ,he all always manages to cheer u up he is a lovely gentleman a real pleasure to talk to , 💕💕💕💕"

"He's awesome..such a lovely, happy man.. He's a diamond 💎"

Colleagues at Asda Tonypandy supporting Tickled Pink
Alnashir and colleagues dyed their hair for Tickled Pink

Alnashir's a passionate supporter of our Tickled Pink breast cancer campaign, dying his hair pink each year.

He said: "I lost my brother Shaukat to leukaemia 12 years ago, and I've always believed you should help anybody in any way you can in life, which is why I always like to dye my hair."

We posted about his exploits on Facebook in 2015:

Comments about Alnashir on that post included:

"Nashir is a real gentleman always makes me laugh when I go to Asda shopping ...I always look to see if he is on the checkout he has so much time for customers well done nashir.💞💞"

"I love Nash! I will wait in a queue especially to be served by him rather than go to an empty checkout. Such a lovely guy."

"He's such a nice chap. . Always chats to you and he's always smiling. ..my favourite cashier :-) I sometimes queue so he will serve me lol. He's fab. Well done xx"

"Nashir has fabulous people skills, always goes above and beyond even if your day hasn't been the best he always makes my day! Well done p! 😄"

Alnashir joined the store eight years ago. Recently, he served artist 'Rhondda Bagsy' who sketches local celebrities and landmarks on carrier bags. He was so impressed by Alnashir's service that he sketched him on a bag and posted it on Facebook.

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