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Community Champion Profile

Trolley Alan Arnold Hunts Cross
Alan, Asda Hunts Cross - Community Champion

We sat down with Alan, our Community Champion at Asda Hunts Cross, and asked him about his job and what it is like to be a Community Champion. 

When did you start working at Asda? 

I started to work at Asda Hunts Cross seven years ago, I had recently retired from the NHS as a Community Mental Health Nurse after 34 years' service. I hated retirement! I initially started working as a Porter, which I did for three years. Unfortunately, I had a mild stroke in 2019, which affected my left side and Asda kindly agreed for me to work on the checkouts following my return from sick leave. A job I loved, as I enjoy talking to people.  More recently, the role of Community Champion became available at Asda Hunts Cross, so I applied and was fortunate to be offered the role.

Outside of work my main interest is my family. I love going for long walks. I am a keen cyclist but was unable to cycle for 2½ years after the stroke, due to balance. 

What is the Asda Community programme all about? 

The Asda Community programme is all about giving back to our local community. At Asda Hunts Cross we support many different local charities. I am always looking out for other charities we may be able to help. 

What do you do to support your community? 

I feel I have the best job in the store. I love working with old and new groups, assessing what support Asda can provide and what will allow the charity/organisation to continue providing their support in the community. As a former Mental Health Nurse who covered the area surrounding the store, I would frequently refer my service users to the local Foodbank. So, supporting them was my initial goal. As a store we have been able to increase the amount of donations they are receiving, by publicising their needs. 

I also recently completed a long-distance sponsored cycle ride (100 km), to raise food/money for South Liverpool Foodbank. With the generosity of our customers and colleagues we raised ¾ tonne of food and £710 in cash. The Asda Foundation supported our fundraising efforts by providing a Colleague Match Funding donation of £500 to boost our donation to the foodbank. 

How does it feel to be able to support local groups and how does your support make a difference? 

In a nutshell I am blessed and honoured that Asda allows me to do the job I do, and I hope the groups I work with see me as being interested and wanting to help with their specific needs. 

In recent years, the Community Champion role has become more important. More people are having to turn to charities for support with day-to-day living and through my job I can offer help to local charities and good causes in various ways. From awareness and fundraising in store, to volunteering my time, and supporting groups with Asda Foundation grants. I can provide another pair of hands. I know the area I cover and some of its needs. I may not always know the answer, but I will do my best to find it. 

What does the help (volunteering) mean to the groups you support? 

Hopefully it shows them that Asda does care and wants to give back to the store's local community. 

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