Modern Slavery Statement
We are pleased to share our latest Modern Slavery Statement (2024) published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
It sets out the steps taken in relation to Part 6, section 54, by Asda Stores Limited and where appropriate, other relevant group companies to prevent Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in our business and supply chains.
It relates to our fiscal year ended 31 December 2023 and covers the activities of Asda Group Ltd., Asda Stores Ltd., International Procurement and Logistics Ltd., Forza Foods Ltd., Kober Ltd., (References to IPL include where relevant Forza Foods Ltd. and Kober Ltd.), McLagan Investments Ltd., The Burwood House Group Limited (collectively referred to as Asda, except where the report specifically refers to an individual entity or where explicitly stated otherwise), and newly acquired businesses including Arthur Foodstores Ltd., Euro Garages Ltd. (both trading as Asda Express), and Leon Restaurants Ltd.
In addition, this statement and our previous statements can be found on the UK Government Modern Slavery Registry.
Our statement includes information relating to all mandated sections detailing our: Organisation’s structure, business and supply chains; Policies; Risk Assessment; Due Diligence (steps to address risk); Training about modern slavery; and Goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of our actions and progress over time.
For any further information please email [email protected]
2023 Modern Slavery Statement
2022 Modern Slavery Statement
2021 Modern Slavery Statement
2020 Modern Slavery Statement
2019 Modern Slavery Statement
2018 Modern Slavery Statement
2017 Modern Slavery Statement