Third party gift card error - select stores
We’re aware that some customers may have experienced a technical error when trying to redeem Pandora gift cards.
The error has now been resolved and only affects a small number of cards of a single denomination purchased in select Asda stores on certain dates in October and November.
We want to reassure customers that all other gift cards purchased during this period are unaffected.
What should customers do?
If customers believe they have purchased one of the affected cards, they can visit the store where the card was purchased or contact the Asda Customer Relations team for further assistance.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and would like to quickly resolve this for affected customers. To enable us to do this we ask that valid proof of purchase is provided.
For further assistance and information please either return to the store where the purchase was made or call Asda Customer Relations on 0800 952 0101.