Transparent Reporting
Robust reporting that stakeholders can trust. We want our progress – the good and the not so good – to drive wider change
Our Brighter Living Report: ESG Report 2023
An in-depth review of all we’re doing to play our part as a responsible retailer.
Our Brighter Living Report 2023 provides a review of the 2023 calendar year and relates to Bellis Finco plc and subsidiaries including International Procurement Logistics (IPL). As a result of partial or limited 2023 data, the acquisitions of Arthur Foodstores Ltd. and Euro Garages (Jersey) Ltd. are not incorporated into this report, with the exception of our carbon scope 1 & 2 calculations. We intend to report the full group, including these acquisitions, in the 2024 report.
The report covers our approach to ESG topics and our performance in 2023. Bellis Finco plc has reported with reference to the GRI Revised Standards for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 and also the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The GRI Content Index is available HERE. A list of our affiliated environmental third parties is available HERE.
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ESG Disclosures
All disclosures that are made in our reports and on our website are checked, evidenced and validated by internal experts and are correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of publishing.
ESG Reporting frameworks
GRI Reporting initiative: Foundation 2021
The GRI Standards enable organisations to report on their ESG programme of activity in a comparable and credible way. Reviewing the impact we make on ESG topics and our strategic priorities is what helps us keep up momentum as we strive to create change for better for our communities, society and the planet. The GRI core standards are also highly relevant to many of our stakeholders - including investors, policymakers and civil society.
UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Our action on sustainability supports the broader, global UN-led push for a fairer, more sustainable world. Across our pillars, we are contributing towards the majority of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).